Let's go for all! Come shop your favorite fashion brand item with our hard-to-resist promotion! Central Embassy 1 Oct ’21 - 31 Oct ’21...
Let's go for all! Come shop your favorite fashion brand item with our hard-to-resist promotion! Central Embassy 1 Oct ’21 - 31 Oct ’21...
7TH ANNIVERSARY: LUCKY TO THE MOON 7TH ANNIVERSARY: LUCKY TO THE MOON ประกาศรายชื่อผู้โชคดีจากกิจกรรม 7TH ANNIVERSARY: LUCKY TO THE MOONรางวัลโค้ดส่วนลดมูลค่า 3,000 บาท สำหรับใช้เดินทางภายในประเทศ จาก Bangkok Airways (จำกัด 50 รางวัล)สมาชิก The 1 รับ 1 สิทธิ์ในการลุ้นรับรางวัล เมื่อรับประทานอาหารครบทุก 500 บาทคุณมหิธรพงษารัตน์คุณชุตินาถองค์โฆษิตคุณมลฑาทิพย์บัวชุมคุณสมนึกพาอินทร์คุณกิตติศักดิ์จงสุวณิชย์คุณณรงค์แต่โสภาพงษ์คุณประชัยเศรษฐปิยานนท์คุณปณิธิพัทธ์สุขสมบูรณ์คุณศศินพรไชยสวัสดิ์คุณกัลยาเฉลิมโชคชัยคุณวันเผด็จหงษ์ทองคุณนิตยกานต์เจริญธรรมคุณมลิสาศิระวิศิษฏ์พรคุณฐปนีมนต์เสรีนุสรณ์คุณธัญวรรณเทพหัสดิน ณ อยุธยาคุณณปภัชภักตรนิกรคุณศักดิ์สิทธิ์ธีระพรสถานนท์คุณวรวรรณตั้งตรงศักดิ์คุณณพฤดีจันทราทิพย์คุณอรรถสิทธิ์สรรพวัฒน์คุณสหโรจน์ปัญจพลาสมคุณธนภัทรปิยะนนท์พงศ์คุณสุชาดาสิริศุภางค์คุณสุกุมลคุณปลื้มคุณจิตติมาหงศ์ลดารมภ์คุณวรรณภาตั้งบรรยงค์คุณมยุรฉัตรสาระวรรณคุณปาณิศารุ่งนพคุณศรีคุณณริดากรีชัยศรีคุณพัชราแจ้วจิราคุณกันตภณจินันท์ธนพัฒน์คุณสศิราอภิรัชเหมภาสคุณมนชิสาอิสราวรากุลคุณอรอุมาโภควัฒนโชติคุณอมรรัตน์ทองโบราณคุณวัชลาภรณ์กลิ่นเกษรคุณธีระวยากรณ์วิจิตรคุณสิทธิบัญญ์บุญสายคุณวิวัฒน์ทองสุขคุณเกณฑ์กาญจนกูลคุณZOURUOXIคุณประกายดาวเศรษฐปิยานนท์ ขอขอบคุณที่เข้าร่วมสนับสนุนกิจกรรมของศูนย์การค้าเซ็นทรัล เอ็มบาสซี มา ณ ที่นี้ สิทธิพิเศษ สำหรับลูกค้าเซ็นทรัล เอ็มบาสซีลูกค้าเซ็นทรัล เอ็มบาสซี ที่ได้รับรหัสส่วนลด มูลค่า...
Welcome to our home at Central Embassy and join Lena – Helena Busch in exploring 360 Degree Service we have available in-store. Discover the ultimate shopping experience, complete with convenience and luxury for all your needs. Any day of the week....
Since the last time you were here, WE'VE BEEN BUSY GETTING ALL YOUR FAVOURITE places READY TO WELCOME YOU BACK....
Check out participating stores and restaurants for our Central Embassy vouchers....
Bring you back in style and earn more from this joyful of fashion shopping and dining with overall reward up to 1M Baht! Central Embassy 1 Sep ’21 - 30 Sep ’21...
Check out participating stores and restaurants for our Central Embassy vouchers....
Check out participating stores and restaurants for our Central Embassy vouchers....
Check out participating stores and restaurants for our Central Embassy vouchers....
Check out participating stores and restaurants for our Central Embassy vouchers....
Not only do the fresh produce and daily products on offer contribute to the elements of Thai markets, but familiar items such as local supplies used by vendors are also part of it as well. Talad Eathai brings you all these elements while being a convenient place for you to grab top quality foodstuffs.
Bangkok Bold as known as Joh Bangkok was named to call a group of people who has their own bold cooking style for unique Thai taste which was found by Head Chef Nhoi Ouypornchaisakul who graduated in culinary arts from the States has been searching for inspirations, travelling and exploring the way local is from the way local eats throughout Thailand, nearby countries and around the world.
Krua 4 Pak is your tiffin box or ‘Pinto’ combining mouth-watering goodies from all over the country. Each tier of this ‘Pinto’ is filled with a variety of food from all 4 regions. Expect things like fresh-from-the-sea seafood, to the city’s best-loved vegetarian food and mellow recipes from central Thailand and Esan spicy dishes.
At the kids shop zone, we select top quality brands for your little ones, including 10 Mois—a Japanese organic baby-maternity brand, that offers more than 100 high-quality products that have been popular amongst Japanese families for two decades. There is also Evoli— skincare that is perfect for a baby’s delicate skin.
The Embassy Diplomat Screens by AIS fulfils the experience of Open House with state-of-the-art technology and world-class services; including a personal butler team, who offer the most convenient and luxurious experiences. At the theatre, your pleasure is defined not only by the movies but by everything contributing to the experience. To make it even more special, the Embassy Diplomat Screens initiates a programme called ‘movie curator’, showing on-demand movies, to make it a personalised service unlike any other theatre experience and to complete Open House’s ethos of everyday indulgences.
The Embassy Diplomat Screens by AIS fulfils the experience of Open House with state-of-the-art technology and world-class services; including a personal butler team, who offer the most convenient and luxurious experiences. At the theatre, your pleasure is defined not only by the movies but by everything contributing to the experience. To make it even more special, the Embassy Diplomat Screens initiates a programme called ‘movie curator’, showing on-demand movies, to make it a personalised service unlike any other theatre experience and to complete Open House’s ethos of everyday indulgences.
Surrounded by the amazing art book collection, the Art Tower houses ‘Stationery EastWest’. Representing the diverse nature of stationery from both East & West, the best pieces from well-known brands are on offer, as well as artisan & specialist items.
Contact Information:
Website: http://www.hardcovertheartbookshop.com/
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/openhousehardcover
Instagram: @hardcovertheartbookshop
Tel. 02 160 5949
Travel around the world, learn about diverse cultures and feel the charm of paper and print from the great selection of books at the Book Wall and Book Tower. The latter also has special walk-through shelves with rare and out-of-print books that collectors will be surprised to find here.
Contact Information:
Website: http://www.hardcovertheartbookshop.com/
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/openhousehardcover
Instagram: @hardcovertheartbookshop
Tel. 02 160 5949